Sports with Discount
In this section you will see all the discounts and promo codes offered by our partner companies.
Complete list of sports companies companies that offer you a discount when booking using the code: 4MENTERA
Reservations will be made on the website of each of the companies.
By using the discount code, the relationship will be established exclusively between you and the chosen company.
Dives of all levels and diving baptisms as well as snorkeling excursions for the whole family. In La Savina.
Use the code 4MENTERA when booking and you will have a 5% discount
Discover Formentera through routes on mountain E-Bikes with a guide and in small groups. For all levels of cyclist.
Use the code 4MENTERA when booking and you will have a 5% discount
Practice yoga on a paddle surf board in the crystalline waters of Formentera. Professional instructors.
Use the code 4MENTERA when booking and you will have a 5% discount